San Antonio Nurses in Advanced Practice
Covering The City With Care

First Annual SANAP's HEART of TEXAS" Conference

Univerisity of Texas Health Science Center school of Nursing Hurd Auditorium
7703 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, TX 78229

Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 7:00am CT - 5:00pm CT
This event has ended.

7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio, TX 78229



Come learn about asthma, chest pain, breast cancer, cardiovascular disparities in Women and more

Credits Offered

This event offers 5.25 CEU credits to attendees (0.75 pharmacology) .
Accreditation Info: AANP approved.

Additional Information

AANP 5.25 CEU with 0.75 hours of pharmacology included AANP certified

1. Asthma in children: what are the treatment options Leslie V  PNP

2. Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer risk stratification and genomics in primary care. Rebecca Rokosky FNP-C, RNFA 

3. Analyzing the UDS Pain management and DEA requirements-  pharma, DEA, ethics, Sharon squiggly

4. Identifying Eating Disorders Kris Ramos,  Director Eating Recovery Center  Kris /Brian Villarana

5.  What is new with treating the blues?  Newer antidepressants and pharmacologic treatment options for depression and treatment resistant depression. Kim Giberga PMHNP-BC, FNP-C   

6. What about diabetic foot and wound prevention April Limpkins

7. Cardiovascular disparities on women - CT Surgery, Dr Ford and Cardiologist, Dr Nandyala

schedule is as follows which is subject to change (schedule and topics will be confirmed soon)

7 am registration begins - bags provided by Vascular clinic

7:30- 8:15 am Breakfast presentation- Breakfast Jansenn Spravato Thomas Phelps

8:25-9:10 am first session

9:20 - 10:05 am second session

10:10-10:30 am vendor break

10:35-11:15 3rd session

11:20-12:05 4th session

12:10-1 pm lunch presentation- Cardiac devices with Special invitation Odette Denisa, MSN, APRN, ACNP,  MedTronic

1:10 pm -1:55 pm 5th session

2:05-2:50 pm six session

3-3:30 vendor      Snacks provided during this break

3:40- 4:25 pm 7th session

4:30 END

surveys must be turned in for credit

Event Agenda
